We are in a transitional period at Abbe. We are in the process of filling the role of Pastor.
Elders are set apart for a ministry of watchful and responsible care for the welfare and order of the church.
They have oversight of all members, including one another, the deacons, and the ministers, equipping everyone to live in harmony with God’s Word.
They ensure the Word of God is rightly proclaimed and taught, and the sacraments faithfully administered.
Elders assist the ministers with their good counsel, and serve all Christians with advice, consolation, and encouragement.
Deacons are set apart for a ministry of mercy, service, and outreach.
They gather gifts and offerings, care for them faithfully, and distribute them with wisdom and compassion to persons in need and for purposes that advance God’s kingdom on earth.
Deacons visit and comfort the distressed, provide for whatever necessities may arise, and assist the congregation at services of worship.
Eric Dunnewold (2025), Trudy Williams (2025), Eric Heil (2026), Esther Nickerson, Vice President (2026), Mark Honey (2027), Mark Summers (2027)
Phil Beckerink, Benevolent Treasurer (2025), Lauren Dunnewold (2025), Breanna Summers (2026), Willowe Neckers, Chair (2026), Dell Gates (2027), Randy Wassink (2027)