Abbe Reformed Church is a ministry of the Harvest Church Network of the Alliance of Reformed Churches, but what does that look like on the ground? Here’s a glimpse at what makes us who we are.


our Mission

Grow in faith. Serve in love. Rejoice in Jesus.


Our Vision

The Abbe Reformed Church is a family of both new and seasoned believers, who are pursuing Christ together, and making Him known in our local communities. Our vision isn’t about where our church family is right now, but where we see ourselves going, and how we see ourselves growing. The aim of this vision is to lay out the aspirations of our church - how we will grow in faith, serve in love, and rejoice in Jesus.

 We aspire to be a disciple-making church, nurturing individuals from birth to the end of life. Whether you are meeting Jesus for the first time, or have had a relationship with Him for a lifetime, we envision providing opportunities for growth through biblical teaching, children’s events, youth group, small groups, and men’s and women’s ministries. We want to support the spiritual development of everyone in our church family - helping them grow as mature followers of Christ.

 We recognize our community and the surrounding area as our mission field. We envision being faithful stewards of this mission field. We anticipate a calendar full of events that both uplift and support our community, with the goal of introducing and bringing people to Jesus. We want our busyness to not be tiresome or tedious, but rather to be refreshing and a blessing.

 We envision a church that passionately rejoices in Jesus. We picture our worship to be true, Biblical, and sacrificial. As we grow in faith and numbers, we look forward to expanding our worship opportunities, and creating more avenues to glorify Jesus together.