Turning Passion into Mission
Contemporary Service
Come as you as and join us for contemporary music of today, scripture, and a modern-day message on the 1st Sunday of every month at 8:30 am.
Food pantry
Our food pantry is open the every Monday 10 am - 2 pm and third Saturday of every month from 7:30 am-9:30 am. No Holidays. Contact us for more information.
Prayer Quilts
Our handmade quilts are left untied until a prayer request arrives. Then we pray while tying each knot as a physical sign of prayer and presence.
Medical Support
We partner with the health department to provide monthly space for immunizations and mammograms. We also provide monthly blood pressure screenings after the traditional worship service.
Medical Loan Closet
The Reach Ministry has an array of medical equipment available on loan to those in need of temporary use. Please Contact Us to let us know of a need.
Uganda Partnership
We have a long-standing partnership with a school in Uganda.
Home Missions
Taking care of our neighbors is a big priority. Contact us to let us know of a need.
Want to get involved?
Contact our deacons, and they'll get you plugged in!